You Shouldn't Live with Even Mild Back PainYou Shouldn't Live with Even Mild Back Pain

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You Shouldn't Live with Even Mild Back Pain

I have a brother who was in a serious car accident years ago, and he experiences intense pain every day as a result of it. When I began experiencing mild, daily back pain, I felt guilty even talking about it, because I know others have it much worse. I then made a decision one day that even though others may have more severe pain than me, that doesn't mean that my milder pain doesn't matter. I began seeing a chiropractor every two weeks, and the decision to finally seek treatment for my pain was a great one. I created this blog to share my story. I want everyone to realize that they should seek treatment for any type of daily pain. Even though there may be others who have it worse, you and your pain still matter, and you should feel no shame in seeking treatment.

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Chiropractic Care After An Auto Accident For Whiplash Treatment

Chiropractic care can be used as a complementary therapy after an auto accident, or as a stand-alone treatment to manage all the symptoms of whiplash. If you have recently been injured by an auto accident, you might be dealing with headaches, a stiff neck, lower back pain, and other soft tissue injuries. Whiplash occurs when you are hit unexpectedly from the front or behind, and your neck whips forward and back without notice. Your muscles, ligaments, and tendons can become overstretched, and your cervical spine can come out of alignment. You might feel pain immediately after the accident, or have the pain worsen over a few days. If you are in pain, have headaches, and are struggling to turn your head, whiplash is usually the cause.

Why Whiplash Occurs 

Whiplash happens because your neck muscles become damaged by the unexpected whipping motion created in a collision. You might strain your muscles slightly, or experience extreme pain if the impact is big enough. This can cause stiffness, poor range of motion in your neck and head, and headaches. The symptoms of whiplash can become worse over a few days, as your muscles become tighter and you experience the full extent of your injuries.

How Chiropractic Care Helps Treat Whiplash

A chiropractor will assess the function of your neck, and entire spine to determine what is going on to cause your pain. Once whiplash has been established, a care plan is created to treat your specific needs. Chiropractic adjustments ease the strain on your neck muscles and get your spine back into alignment. Supportive therapies such as hot or cold therapy and ultrasound help to increase circulation to the area. Massage can be used to address tight muscles and detox the body. Decompression techniques can be used to ease the strain on your cervical spine and improve symptoms.

Working With Your Chiropractor

You will be scheduled several times a week for chiropractic treatment after a whiplash diagnosis. It is important to maintain your appointment schedule, as each session builds upon the one before it. Learn your home exercises and stretching, and do the exercises as prescribed. Your participation in therapy is important to your overall recovery. When you put in the work, your body is going to have an easier time healing.

Chiropractic care is an essential way to heal after an auto accident. No medication is used, and chiropractic care can be used with other treatment modalities.

Contact a local car accident chiropractor to learn more.